The best feeling is knowing who we are and feeling safe to be ourselves in the world. I love working with parents and caregivers on the challenges you face, and with you and your child on the underlying reasons for their behaviour. Children do what they do in order to get a need met. Once we understand the protective system of ourselves and our children we can meet our children where they need us most. Health in the early years is linked to health across the lifespan and therapy can lay the foundation for your child’s well-being over time. I work with all ages, from young children and their parents to youth and adults. I use Internal Family Systems Therapy (or “parts” work), somatic therapy and Synergetic Play Therapy. The foundation of therapy is the same for all ages; together we build a strong relational container, explore what feels challenging, and create space for change. We all experience challenges. With attention and compassion, as well as effective tools, we can process what feels difficult for you and your child so that you experience greater peace, connection and joy in your life.