Life can come with a turbulence that at times feels unbearable. Waves of grief, anger, sorrow, disappointment and so much more knocking us to our knees. Often times, we need someone who can compassionately sit with us, while we find our way back to the surface of these hard times. I can sit with you. I believe that we hold all we need within to find the way through these times, and as such building confidence and resilience to better equip ourselves with tools for the next time things feel like a storm. I have had to learn myself, how to be with all the emotions that come with being a human being. Learning to sit with what is.
Aiming to provide a safe environment that offers a chance for you to be witnessed and honored for your own lived experience, I will co-create a space tailored to your needs and goals.
Being a human is not an easy task, yet we are built to withstand a myriad of experiences, hence our thousands of years survival here on earth. We are built to thrive not just survive. Sometimes we need to be reminded of all the strength that lives within us, and how to be with the moments when we feel anything but strong. I set to honor this strength in you.

Therapies In Practice

Major Areas of Practice

General Areas of Support

Specializations in Practice


Health / Wellness


Career / Vocation / Higher Education

Marriage / Partnership / Family