My name is Amanpreet Wadhwa. I am a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor based out of Calgary, Alberta. I started my professional career as a Computer Scientist, and worked in this field for 20 years. While working as a computer professional, I also raised 2 children along with my supporting husband. While life was great on paper, I was struggling with some health issues. Juggling life as a full-time worker and parent was taking a toll on me. I was burnt out, felt inadequate in all aspects in my life, and was just “getting by”. The vitality in life was missing for me. That was until I started on a therapeutic journey of my own. With the help of my counsellor, and other supportive people in my life whom I could really lean on, I was able to nurture myself back to health.
The journey of coming back to health made me fall in love with the counselling profession. It created a spark in me that I was missing for quite some time. I found a new purpose in life that was larger than just myself. It helped me discover the nurturing part of me that was always there even as a child when I looked after my young cousins and sibling, and even some adults in my life. It took some luck, some guiding hands, and some will power of my own to land me where I am today. I am happy to have been on the journey that I have because the fruits that I bear today are sweeter because of it.
I am here to help you work through whatever challenges you maybe facing today, because we can all use a little helping hand to guide us along the path we all know deep inside of us.
I am a daughter, a sister, a computer scientist, a wife, a mother, and a counsellor, and I am here to walk alongside you on your own journey to health.
Please visit my website - for more info, or contact me at for a free 20 minute initial consult.