Author: ChewNyet

Chew-Nyet Lee

2786 W 16th Ave, #205, Vancouver, BC V6K 4M1

Joined In Jun 2022

About Me

“You will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others and greater freedom to choose what you will do and feel. You will find greater pleasure in everyday living and will be able to develop richer, happier relationships.” The Refined Hakomi Method by Ron Kurtz. Chew-Nyet Lee offers therapy, counselling and coaching services. She teaches body logic, yoga, meditation, and a mindful, body-centered psychotherapy method called Hakomi Therapy. Hakomi is a form of assisted self-discovery, where she helps the client bring unconscious beliefs and patterns into awareness, teaching them to become the compassionate witness to their own experience. Using simple and direct mind-body methods, the goal is to transform limiting patterns and beliefs into wisdom and emotional nourishment through awareness, acceptance and meaning. A former IT management specialist for 15 years and mother of 3 adult children, she has a special affinity with busy professionals and parents seeking balance in their lives. I help individuals and couples change limiting habits and beliefs that are causing pain and suffering in their relationships, using different modalities, including Therapeutic Counselling, Hakomi Therapy, Guided Meditation, Guided Movement, Yoga and Communication Coaching. Helping you Grow and Transform


2786 W 16th Ave, #205, Vancouver, BC V6K 4M1

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