Author: Christine Nijman

Christine Nijman

#57 1188 Main Street

Joined In Aug 2023

About Me

I am a person who really has had a focus on my own personal mental health and wellness for most of my life, starting when I was a young girl. I have always had a thirst for understanding myself, and others. Growing up with a single Mom who worked extremely hard to provide for us, I as the eldest took on a lot of extra responsibility that a young girl should not have to. This caused me to grow up very quickly. In doing so I learned a lot of coping measures that were helpful in those moments but not of service to myself as I grew into adulthood. I knew that the only way to learn a better way was to help myself, and that started my deeper search to learn better, healthier ways of interacting with the world around me. I was a voracious reader of self help books, saved money so I could see counsellors, and constantly worked, and still do to integrate these new ways of being in the world. The work is worth it, and I continue to seek enlightenment, understanding, and growth every day. It isn't really work for me, but a gift of being able to keep growing into who I am really meant to be, free of any encumbrances that might hold me back from the fullest experience of life possible. Grateful is something I am every day. Now being able to help others on their own journey of healing is one of the greatest spaces to ever be able to hold, and I am extremely grateful to be able to offer this.


#57 1188 Main Street

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