My focus is to be your guide to developing healthy relationships by breaking codependent patterns.
I have been engaged in my personal work since 1990 and realize that I frequently see others struggling with anger management issues, trauma, conflict in relationships, anxiety, PTSD, abuse, and recurring negative behavior patterns that lead to the same predictable outcomes. I have also seen individuals who feel overwhelmed by the demands of their day, at times feeling like they’re at a breaking point, and also some are unable to make decisions because they’re afraid of making a mistake.
Regardless of our life circumstances, a part of us still deeply desires to have ease and comfort in our relationships. We can do this by breaking through the old patterns of behaviour and developing the skills to manage our difficulties. In this way, we create healthy relationships with ourselves and others.
I support my clients to bridge that gap, to learn the tools, skills, and awareness needed to turn their lives around so they blossom.
Every day people learn to seize new opportunities to create the change they want to see in their lives.
Make today that day for you!