Welcoming you home to your Soul. No matter how much trauma and pain you have experienced in this life, healing is possible. When we go through periods of great stress, grief or illness, it can feel like our Soul vacates our body, like an animal seeking dry ground during a flood. However, it never abandons us. How could it? Our soul is always with us. No matter the grit and grime we accumulate while making our way through the challenges of life, the innocence, wholeness and vitality of the Soul is available to us to call back when we are ready to begin our healing path.
Helping clients come home to themselves so that they can show up for their lives fully resourced and grounded in their being is something I am truly passionate about. As a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, you will find that I am committed to creating and holding a space of love and healing…welcoming you home to your own heart!
My vision is to inspire you towards a more balanced life - one in which you are connected to the source of unconditional love that permeates all our lives, but one that sometimes gets lost in the hustle and bustle of modern-day existence. We really can come home to ourselves with the right tools and support. And when we do so, everyone around us benefits.