Author: karengoodfellow

Karen Goodfellow

132 Deerfoot Road

Joined In Aug 2021

About Me

I help people reframe relationship, emotional, spiritual, or creative struggles so that new options become possible. Due to my extensive background with different schools, my clients receive skilled, sensitive, safe, customized counselling whether individually, as a couple, or in teams. No matter how scary your situation seems, I am there with you and together, we can navigate the waters so you can live a life that you desire. Call me...let's talk. I support clients who want effective, empowering relationships. This includes turning upsets into intimacy, improving communication skills, and understanding heart-connected boundaries. I also specialize in trauma resolution, and creative and spiritual awakenings. Whether it's health concerns, creative blocks, or unresolved trauma, it is helpful to have support. I express my life purpose through a variety of channels; this practical experience combined with my extensive education provides a landing place for clients to experience sameness, comfort, and hope. See my websites: (psycho-spiritual counselling practice), (for team/organizational effectiveness),and (art).


132 Deerfoot Road

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