The counselling that I offer recognizes that there is a spiritual thread that weaves itself throughout our lives, though often we become blocked, stuck, or unaware of how to reconnect back to this thread - our soul or heart center. When we are in alignment with our authentic self, life is easy and flows almost seamlessly, but when we become disconnected, we can experience anxiety, fearfulness, irritability, and depression. We feel lost and confused, and it often manifests as being stuck in an uninspiring job, having difficulties in relationships, or feeling trapped in past traumas - unable to process through to completion. As humans, our tendency is to reach for things that comfort and distract us, which can lead down a path of attachments and addictions. This can create a cycle of guilt and shame. I can help you stop that cycle by compassionately reflecting back to you the truth of who you are.
Powerful emotions such as grief, fear, pain, loss, sadness, anger, and rage can be difficult to experience. I gently soften the edges and teach you how to honor the emotions that arise, and allow them to flow through you to be released, so you can regain clarity and attune to your inner guidance. When you are in alignment, it is easier for you to choose the path that brings you greater degrees of joy, peace, happiness, and fulfillment. You then hold a higher vibration, and radiate that energy out into the world.
My focus is in balancing and integrating mind, body, and spirit. I help you to understand how perfectly imperfect you are, and why you are exactly as you should be in every single moment. And then how to change, should your awareness decide change is necessary. I ask questions from a place of nonjudgmental curiosity, in the hopes of expanding your consciousness, by inviting you to see your life from a broader perspective. The more we see and feel, the greater clarity we gain, and the easier it is to move through our struggles.
Who am I? I resonate with the term "starseed" - I incarnated at this present time in humanity's history to aid the great shift of consciousness that is now occurring. I brought with me gifts of empathy, sensitivity, and gentle, loving compassion with the hope of re-igniting the spark of divinity in those who request my assistance. I am here to help you remember who you are.
Selkirk Naturopathic Clinic
230-22529 Lougheed Hwy.
Maple Ridge, BC
V2X 0L5