Author: Shaziakhan

Shazia Khan

Joined In Sep 2021

About Me

Hi my name is Shazia Khan, I am the founder and owner of Quintessential Counselling Inc. We offer a safe haven to help women & youth of colour remove barriers be heard & to feel understood. My market of the muslim population is very large & diverse & often these are the women that get overlooked. My focus to bring them forward to help them create healthy relationships with themselves & others. I am a first generation Canadian to parents who immigrated from the Fiji Islands. Growing up I dealt with anxiety, self esteem issues, depression and struggled in school but all the while thought that I had something wrong with me. I did not know what the feelings were until I was in my 20s. After high school I faced not only health challenges but also personal challenges that really tested me as a person. The health challenges required me to reevaluate my career path. I worked in very high volume environments and some required a lot of physical work. As the health issues progressed I had to make the very difficult decision of leaving my work and starting all over again closer to home. Part-time working for others was very difficult but I couldn't figure out where I wanted my career to take me with these new limitations. While working with students and also hearing concerns that women around me had and being a woman myself I felt that my natural calling was to become a counsellor. Since becoming a wife and mother that has diagnosed illnesses I have a better understanding of the need for counsellors for women and youth (including teenagers). I am currently working on specializing in Perinatal and Maternal Mental Health along with specializing in Somatic methodology and continuing to educate myself about the first nations/indigenous people. Some of my current specializations are anxiety, intergenerational trauma, self esteem, depression and motherhood challenges. 'I help people create healthy relationships with themselves and others.'


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